

R. Saborowski GmbH was founded on 27th May 1991 in Willich by Rainer Saborowski.

What makes us different to others?

Your business is our passion!

We do not just provide a service of giving monthly receipts, creating evalutions without communication with you in order to meet the minimum requirements of the administrative accounting...

No, we are interested in getting to know the daily business of your company. We want to analyse the figures of your company in regular discussions with you in order to recognise the possible to be made changes over time and eventually react in manner that is financially and economically suitable.

Since our launch we have already become familiar with many different branches of business and also alsmost every possible social system. Furthermore, we are able to gain from these experiences and offer optimum performance. Additionally it is due to our long work to find successful strong partners (lawyers, notaries and banks) which therefore enables us to work successfully with you.

We will not leave you in the midst complicated economy and tax laws jargon!

Your RSG-Team